The Mission of Translation
AmirAli Maleki
Translator: Sima Binayi
Translation is not a metalinguistic activity, but rather a historical one. The original text provides a historical interpretation of itself within the translation process, which contains essential and accurate content that adapts to the language of a nation and conveys the text in a way that is easily understandable to the target audience, taking into account their historical background. The translation is essentially a servant of history, which is located in it according to the concerns of language. This means that the way a translation is formed reflects the social language of a nation in a given period, using the necessary vocabulary and contemporary understanding of the time. In other words, a nation’s language structure examines its vocabulary with a focus on its identity and history. The language is then translated according to the current demands, which is directly related to the necessity of paying attention to specific historical events during that period, because language is a structure dependent on history, always attempts to express their existential vocabulary of a nation based on the historical identity of them. The primary objective of translation is to accurately conveys the connection between different nations’ languages. Translation tries to reveal the connection between the history of nations and uses language as the primary mean of expressing the origins of communication. Translation, as the ultimate purpose of language, which means that the historical connections of humanity and their expressions throughout time have an intricately linked. In this role, translation takes on a mimetic nature and its aims to merge with the unique historical language of each nation and, transform the original text into a more understandable format for the specific nation, based on the reality it receives from current circumstances.
Translation in this format of imitation closely resembles the original text. this is because translation involves more than just rewriting a text in a particular social structure. Therefore, every translation, accurately reproduces the original text, taking into account the specific needs and concerns of that nation. As previously mentioned, translation reveals the linguistic connection between nations that stem from their historical necessities, indicating the language’s ability to convey various aspects of human nature that can always be expressed throughout history in contemporary terms. This is exactly the embodiment of imitation, as translation is based on assimilation and reveals the “multipart” nature of the language, as its main goal is to effectively convey human historical needs through language, making them clearer and easier to understand. In other words, the writer’s literary style during the time of writing is not repetitive or common. It is apparent that the language used is heavily influenced by primitive history and the needs of another nation. This language is then revitalized and updated in a way that is consistent with the writer’s era. Translation is only a sign that shows that language is not lifeless and capable of conveying itself through words that hold historical significance. In other words, translation is a way for a nation to connect linguistically with other places, demonstrating their historical relationship and influence. Through this process, the language may evolve and adapt to new contexts, ultimately reaching a point of perfection that reflects the nation’s desires and actions in the present moment. One of the ways to show it, is translation that complements the language of the history of nations. Here, translation can also be viewed as “evolutionary language of history.” The nature of translation in this context relies on the language as a whole. For example, translation acts as the central hub in the language forest, spreading messages of unity throughout. Just like poetry, it has the ability to connect with different linguistic backgrounds and serve as a powerful intermediary. What does this mean? Luther, Foss, Schlegel, and Holderlin were philosopher poets who acted as author-translators. they aimed to represent their present conditions through language, imitating and ultimately reflecting their unique history by expanding their national language, they could express themselves in a distinctive way. Translation was a means of presenting nations’ true language, like a timely poem, and elevating them to a level of appearance.